The Headfuzz Story


Hi, I'm Graham Nash (not the one from Crosby, Stills and Nash) aka Grimboid (a nickname I picked up years ago and has for some reason stuck!). Back in 2012 a work colleague suggested that I should try and sell some poster designs online. I am a huge fan of Movies, TV, Music, Books and Sport so I decided to start scribbling ideas for posters into a notebook.

Initially I illustrated a couple of alternative movie posters and then started to work up some sport ideas. I have always found that if you support a team or follow a sport, nice artwork is very hard to find. A lot of sporting merchandise is club logos or images of the current star player. I wanted to design something that a sport fan would love but also a partner (who wasn't as keen) may be happy to hang on their wall.

It is now 2023 and I have a nice collection of notebooks full of concepts and ideas. I am now self employed and work from home designing as many posters as I can through the year. However with a 8 year old son and a 11 year old daughter to keep me occupied it is sometimes hard to find time to get all the ideas illustrated. I truly love what I do, and I hope you like some of my designs. Come back soon to see my new designs as I will keep adding new posters throughout the year.

Thanks for your support,
Graham at headfuzz by grimboid shop